Closure Designs
Ladies Blouses / Dresses with Collars / Mens Polo Shirts & Dress Shirts
Each of the items above have a wide lap-over back
and secure with a small nylon stud on the shoulder
and at the collar, providing a neat and comfortable finish.
Collarless Clothing
All designs without a collar have the wide lap-over
back and secure at the shoulder with a small nylon stud.
Designed to ensure there is no pressure placed on the skin.
Trousers and Shorts
These garments open and secure at the waist band
with small nylon studs on both sides. They have a
concealed pocket in each side and the gents trousers
have an extended waist band to hold back of trousers
in place when front is opened.
Open Back Trousers and Shorts
The back of the trouser leg stops at the buttocks and
the back overlaps for ease of changing when hoisting
is required. Lap-over is long length to provide dignity
for the wearer.