Able Clothing:
Over the span of more than 20 years, Marcelina Casas has been involved in all aspects of garment production including design, pattern making, cutting and sewing. She has an extensive knowledge of fabrics and the properties of different fibers.
For the past seven years, she has worked in the field of disability care, supporting people living with Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and Autism and has become very familiar with their specific needs. For clothing for children with disability contact Marcelina.
Aged Care Complaints Commission
The aged Care Complaints Commissioner provides a free service for anyone to raise their concerns about the quality of care or services being delievered to people receiving aged care services funded by the Australian Government. Go to
Aged Care Online:
Find residential aged care rooms/costs/vacancies or home care near you.. go to
Aged Care Report Card:
Facility rating report and feedback from end users, health professionals and Faciility Management.
Alzheimer's Australia:
Alzheimer's Australia mission is to reduce the impact of demetia on the community. They do this by providing leadership, information, advocacy and support for people with dementia, their carers and families throughout Australia.
Ageing and Aged Care: Australian Government.
Links on this page provide easy access to the Department's Ageing and Aged Care Division, and Ageing-related health resources. It provides useful information for enhancing the quality of life for older Australians.
Carers Australia:
The Commonwealth Carer Resource Centres in each state and territory provides carers with referrals to services and practical written information to support them in their caring role.There is a wide range of information and resources available and carers can contact their Commonwealth Carer Resource Centre on 1800 242 636* to obtain free information on a range of topics.
Continence Foundation Australia:
Where to get help. There are many avenues for help with bladder and bowel problems. For most people, a good starting point is to visit your doctor. If you are making an appointment with your doctor, ask for a long consultation to give you time to explain the problem without feeling rushed.
LifeTec Queensland:
LifeTec's access to the cutting edge of assistive technology enables them to provide up-to-the-minute advice and practical, hands-on experience of the latest aids, equipment, and devices to suit individual needs. Their three service areas are information services, consultation services, and education and training. They offer these services statewide and regularly travel to all regions of Queensland. They also work closely with the Indigenous community to promote and tailor services to meet the unique needs of this population.
Linda's Lingerie:
Bras Specialist - Do you have breast challenges that make it difficult to find a good fitting, comfortable and pretty bra? Linda Jobson of Linda's Lingerie is a Bra Specialist. She will design, fit and make a bras to your individual figure requirements.
Mobility Rentals & Sales (SouthSide) Pty. Ltd:
For mobility equipment, hospital beds suitable for hospital, nursing homes, aged care & private use, and Free use of facility for training of your staff to use the equipment.
MyAged Care
My aged Care is an Australian Government initiative which supports older people and their families in accessing aged care information and services. For more information go to:
NDIA - National Disability Insurance Agency.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Our role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. The NDIS will mean peace of mind for every Australian - for anyone who has, or might acquire, a disability. For more informatiom about the NDIS and the support available to you please go to their website here
SpecialCare Central Inc.
The information portal linking people with disability, aged care senior citizens, carers & families to Service providers.
Therapeutic Aquatics
For Rehabilitation Products, Vertical Aquatic Training Equipment, Swimwear and Swimming Accessories, Paediatric Aquatic Games and Equipment, Videos and Publications, Hydrotherapy Pool and Pool Lifts.
The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
They are working with the aged care industry, consumers and other key stakeholders to develop guidelines and supporting material for the draft quality standards being developed by the Department of Health. This is in line with the commitment to improving quality in aged care through developing education and guidance material that helps ensure compliance with the aged care standards. For more information about the Single Aged Care Quality Framework see the Department of Health Website.
InFocus - Disability Services
Childrens support network is designed to assist families who have children/young adult between the ages of 0 and 21 with complex high support needs arising from a combination of physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities. to learn more please